Everything we do at Kirkby High School is based on the fundamental principle of respect. Respect for others, respect for yourself and respect for your community.
The journey so far…
Here at Kirkby High School we are passionate about listening to our students to establish what they want in school and what they want from school. Over the past four years, we have devised many systems of communication to ensure that all of our students have their say on our school policies and procedures. Our use of Student Voice via our Student Parliament are just a few examples of how Kirkby High School students can contribute to the wider-school community. Some of our most fundamental values and beliefs have been agreed by students before staff are consulted and later finalised as a best fit for our whole school community. These processes began with The Kirkby Code. This was created by our students to develop a safe and effective learning environment for all members of our school. This outlines exactly what is thought to be acceptable and reasonable conduct both inside and outside of school.
The Kirkby Child concept is a more holistic body of work which has allowed students to explore what values and/or qualities they believe are important to develop for the world of work and for life beyond Kirkby High School. The question is this…aside from academic achievement, what other skills, accolades and core values would you like to have when you leave Kirkby High School? It relates to how students see themselves developing as good citizens and pillars of our community. This concept taps directly into our school ethos and encourages students to develop into mature, responsible adults. It is thought so exciting and effective that The Kirkby Collaborative have adopted the Kirkby Child concept for schools in the borough, underpinning the growth and development of our precious school aged children.
As part of our journey, we have a focus on developing our students’ confidence. Confidence in themselves as individuals. Confident in expressing themselves. Through our Student Parliament and student voice, this was a key characteristic that students felt was important in preparing them for their future lives.