Extra-Curricular Opportunities

At Kirkby High School we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities to all students from all year groups. Extra-curricular activities enrich our curriculum and help students to develop their interests and abilities, provides valuable learning experiences outside their studies, and promotes independence and interpersonal links with students in other years.
Clubs and activities take place at breaktime, lunchtime and after school. If a particular interest is not covered, we support our students in starting their own clubs.
Students are also given opportunities to visit amazing places as part of our extra-curricular offer.
The clubs are completely free to the students and some even offer the chance to gain an additional qualification.
Opportunities on offer include:
  • Representing the school on sports teams
  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Participating in the annual school production
  • Opportunity to attend Beth Tweddle gymnastics weekly sessions
  • Opportunity to join the Student Leadership Team.
  • Opportunity to be a Kirkby Ethical Ambassador
  • Targeted focus groups of students to support learning and understanding
Please see the timetables below for the extra-curricular clubs available during this half term:

 Key Stage 3

KS3 extra-curricular timetable Break time Lunch time After School
Monday Basketball/Netball (PE) – SH

Bring trainers.

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Language Hub (Mrs Baker) MFL3 1:35-2:05pm

Tuesday Basketball/Netball (PE) – SH

Bring trainers.

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Oliver! Cast vocal rehearsals (Mrs Banks) - DR1 1:35-2:10pm

Maths Homework Club (Maths Staff) – CM2 1:35-2:10pm

Dodgeball Club ( Miss Paul) – Ball Hall

Dance Team (Miss Nicholson/Miss Cullen) Dance studio 3:10-4:00pm

Year 9/10 Football (Mr Volante/Mr Wilkinson) Astro 3:10pm-4:00pm

Oliver School Show (Mr Walker/Miss Gill/Miss Banks/Miss Cowley/Miss Cullen/Mr Barton) DR1 3:10-4:00pm

Wednesday Basketball/Netball (PE) – SH

Bring trainers.

History Film Club (Mr Murray) – HY3 1.35-2:10pm

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

I Belong, Year 8 Girls,Computing Club (Miss Allen) – CM1 1:35-2:05pm

Year 7/8 Football (Mr Harvey/Mr Mottram) Astro 3:10pm-4:00pm

Netball Club (Miss Nicholson/Miss Pimblett) Sports Hall 3:10pm-4:00pm

Thursday Rainbow Club (Mr Greenbank) – PD1 1.35-2:10pm

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Year Eight Dungeons and Dragons Club (Miss Atherton) EN8 1.35-2:10pm

Oliver! Cast vocal rehearsals (Mrs Banks) - DR1 1:35-2:10pm

Gym Club (Beth Tweddle Gymnastics) – SH 3:10-4:00pm

Girls Football (Miss Hampson) Astro 3:10-4:00pm

Badminton (Mr Knowlson) Ball Hall 3:10-4:00pm

Oliver School Show (Mr Walker/Miss Gill/Miss Banks/Miss Cowley/Miss Cullen/Mr Barton) DR1 3;10-4:00pm

Friday Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Brilliant Club (Mrs Talbot) – AD2 1:35-2:05pm​

Key Stage 4

KS4 extra-curricular timetable Break time Lunch time After School
Monday Basketball/Netball (PE) – SH

Bring trainers.

Year 11 English Revision (Miss Atherton) EN8 1.35-2:10pm

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Language Hub (Mrs Baker) MFL3 1:35-2:05pm

Computing and IT Revision (Mr Flynn) CM2 1:35-2:05pm

Year 11 English Revision (Miss Atherton) EN8 3:10-4:00pm

Childcare revision (Mrs Rigby) – MU2 3:10-4:00pm

Tuesday Basketball/Netball (PE) – SH

Bring trainers.

Inclusive Club (KHU) – SH 1:35-2:10pm

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Oliver! Cast vocal rehearsals (Mrs Banks) - DR1 1:35-2:10pm

Dodgeball Club ( ) – Ball Hall

Dance Team (Miss Nicholson/Miss Cullen) Dance studio 3:10-4:00pm

Year 9/10 Football (Mr Volante/Mr Wilkinson) Astro 3:10pm-4:00pm

Oliver School Show (Mr Walker/Miss Gill/Miss Banks/Miss Cowley/Miss Cullen/Mr Barton) DR1 3:10-4:00pm

English Revision (English class teachers) EN 1-9 3:10-4:00pm

Wednesday Basketball/Netball (PE) – SH

Bring trainers.


History Film Club (Mr Murray) -  HY3 1.35-2:10pm

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Spanish revision (Mrs Suthers) – MFL1 1.35-2:10pm

Maths Homework Club (Maths Staff) – CM2 1:35-2:10pm

Netball Club (Miss Nicholson/Miss Pimblett) Sports Hall 3:10pm-4:00pm

French club (Miss Baker) MFL2

Key Stage 4 Art Club (Miss Argent Mrs Talbot) AR1/AR2 3:10-6:00pm

Maths revision (Mrs Frodsham) - MA3 1.35-2:10pm

Thursday Rainbow Club (Mr Greenbank) – PD1 1.35-2:10pm

Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Oliver! Cast vocal rehearsals (Mrs Banks) - DR1 1:35-2:10pm

History revision (Mr Woods) – HY2 1.35-2:10pm

RE revision (Mrs Maloret) – RE1 1.35-2:10pm

Geography/Travel and Tourism revision (Miss Pilson/Mr Mottram) – GY2/GY3 1.35-2:10pm

Gym Club (Beth Tweddle Gymnastics) – SH 3:10-4:00pm

Girls Football (Miss Hampson) Astro 3:10-4:00pm

Badminton (Mr Knowlson) Ball Hall 3:10-4:00pm

KS4 Dance intervention (Miss Nicholson/Miss Cowley) Dance studio 3:10-4:00pm

Oliver School Show (Mr Walker/Miss Gill/Miss Banks/Miss Cowley/Miss Cullen/Mr Barton) DR1 3:10-4:00pm

Science revision (Mrs Bennett-Jones) – SC3 3:10-4:00pm

GCSE IT Revision (Mr Flynn) – CM2 3:10-4:00pm

Friday Quiet club (Mrs Dahl) – EN1 1:35-2:05pm

Brilliant Club (Mrs Talbot) – AD2 1:35-2:05pm

Spanish Revision (Mr Durrant) MFL3 3:10-4:00pm

History Revision (Mr T Greenhalgh/Mrs Smith) HY2 - 3:20-4:00pm

Ethical ambassadors meet with CMA throughout the half term.

Shakespeare Club and Reading Zone to meet with WLY and LGE at lunches arranged with the teachers.

Year 11 Revision Table

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lunch Art


Computer Science



Travel and Tourism





History drop in HY2 and HY3

RE drop in
After School Maths

Geography 3-5pm


Geography 3-5pm

English Drama (AWA)

