

Geography Teachers

Miss Pilson Head of Department Geography
Mr Mottram Classroom Teacher Geography
Miss Ramsden Classroom Teacher Geography

Vision of subject

The Geography Department encourage students to be curious and enthusiastic about the ever-changing world we live in. Students are urged to extend their knowledge and understanding of physical and human features in the world by studying a broad range of interesting and stimulating topics. We hope that through this our students continue to have a lifelong ‘conversation’ about the earth as the home of humankind.

Statement of Intent

Our geography curriculum is designed to develop student curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them throughout their lives. Learners will investigate a range of places, both in Britain and abroad to help develop knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes.  We aim to give our learners strong geographical knowledge, good enquiry skills, the ability to use a range of maps, the skills to collect and analyse data and the ability to communicate information in a variety of ways. We would like our students to have a love of geographical learning, gaining knowledge and skills through high quality teaching both inside and outside the classroom.  As the future generation responsible for our planet, we would like students to have a sense of respect for the world.


In key stage 3 geography students are taught in mixed ability classes in year 7 and 8 and  sets based on their ability in year 9 for 2 hours each week. Assessments are completed during each unit of work to track and monitor the progress of students. Feedback is provided to students in terms of the skills they are working towards or have mastered. Targets for further improvement are then shared with students. Home work is set twice a half term.


Key Stage 4 Geography is a subject that is taught as a GCSE option and is a subject that is counted towards the English Baccalaureate. Students that opt to take Geography in Key Stage 4 have 3 hours a week in mixed ability classes and are working towards one GCSE qualification. They follow the AQA GCSE Geography 8035. They will be awarded a grade 1-9 following their GCSE examinations in the summer of Year 11. Assessments to track progress are set regularly throughout each half term. Feedback is related to GCSE criteria to highlight areas of strength and development throughout the course. Homework is set on a weekly basis.

Throughout their time at Kirkby, students are taught the following key skills:

Demonstrate knowledge of locations, places, processes, environments and different scales. Demonstrate geographical understanding of concepts and how they are used in relation to places, environments and processes, and the inter-relationships between places, environments and processes.

Apply knowledge and understanding to interpret, analyse and evaluate geographical information and issues and to make judgements.

Select, adapt and use a variety of skills and techniques to investigate questions and issues and communicate findings.

Travel and Tourism

BTEC Tech Award

BTEC travel and tourism is a subject that is taught as an option subject. Students that opt to take travel and tourism in Key Stage 4 have 3 hours a week in mixed ability classes and are working towards a BTEC level 2 award which is the equivalent of a GCSE. They follow Pearson BTEC Tech Travel and tourism. They will be awarded a Pass, Merit, distinction or distinction* following their examinations two pieces of coursework. Coursework is completed throughout year 10 and 11 and is used to track progress. Students will also sit one exam in January of year 11. Feedback is related to BTEC criteria to highlight areas of strength and development throughout the course. Homework is set on a weekly basis.

Throughout the course, students develop the following skills:

The opportunity to develop knowledge and technical skills in a practical learning environment.

Develop knowledge of key areas within the travel and tourism sector.

Investigate the importance of the travel and tourism sector to the UK, and investigate different types of customer and UK destinations.

It will develop key skills, such as research, report drafting and writing skills and project management.

Overview of the Geography Curriculum

The topics students cover throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below:

Geography Curriculum Overview

Links to GCSE Exam Board Specifications

Overview of the Travel and Tourism Curriculum

The topics students cover throughout Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below:
Links to Exam Board Specifications:

Additional Information

KS3 students have the opportunity to take part in Geography trips, visiting speakers and fieldwork.

Homework support is available for all Geography students.

At KS4, students will take part in fieldwork activity days, to prepare them for paper 3 Geographical applications of the GCSE course

In Y10 and 11, students have the opportunity to attend regular revision classes in preparation for their exam.