Careers Information

Careers Information

Careers Coordinator: Mr Merrett

Contact Details:

Telephone Number: 0151 477 8710

Email Address:

Review Date: September 2023

Careers Policy Statement

Kirkby High School hope to develop engagement and aspiration of our young people through a variety of events, activities and talks. 

Our Careers curriculum begins in year 7 where students are encouraged to consider their skills and personality to better understand the options that they might choose. This is completed in PD lessons and extended form time. We explore the ideas of careers and jobs and what it means to be employed. Students are also invited to attend university workshops and have access to local employers at our annual careers' fayre. This gives all students the chance to raise and maintain aspiration as they start life at KHS. All students will have 6 careers lessons per subject each year, showing potential job and career routes from each subject our students' study.

In year 8, students are given the opportunity to speak to a variety of experts including employers, apprentice providers, college staff and universities during our careers fair. All Year 8 students receive a talk from a local apprentice provider, giving information about apprenticeships. We hope by the end of year 8 they will have a detailed understanding of the breadth of careers that are available to them and what skills an employer might be looking for. This is supplemented with further work done in extended form time about life in higher education.  

In year 9 our young people make their subject choices, and we encourage them to really reflect on their opportunities by providing a detailed choices curriculum with the support of Apprenticeships, University and College staff. All students are given the opportunity to meet individually with a member of the SLT to discuss options. Through our annual careers fair, our year 9 student will have the chance to meet representatives from local colleges and training providers that they can apply to when leaving KHS which will provide impartial guidance for all students. We also have workshops with careers connect that help all our students to carefully consider their next steps into KS4. A variety of colleges will attend our parents evening to give parents and students support in making the correct GCSE choices. All year 9 students will also have an opportunity to visit another local university and college to showcase the range of higher and further education opportunities and courses that are available. We hope this will help to break down barriers to HE and help students realise that university is an option regardless of their current situation. 

In year 10 our focus changes to developing aspirations and striving for achievement. In addition to the annual careers fair, students will have the opportunity to engage with representatives from a variety of colleges and universities as well as understand the various levels of apprenticeships on offer. All students will go on work experience which provides a fantastic opportunity to sample the world of work. We encourage all students to find their own placement, increasing their resilience and aspiration skills. We have a detailed, six-week course of lessons in PD that allow out students to be ready for their placement. Typically, employer feedback is fantastic, with our students gaining valuable LMI too. Later in the year, students visit two colleges (WLC and KCC). This allows them to sample life after KS4 and make informed decisions about their next steps.

In year 11, students will be given the opportunity to receive 3, 1:1 interviews with a member of staff from careers connect to discuss their plans for life after Kirkby High School. Here they can map out their career goals and the various routes to that career. All parents evenings will be attended by apprentices, colleges and a variety of universities to help students and parents make the best choices after they leave KHS.  In year 11, students’ form time and PD days will focus primarily on their options in post-16 education and the application process. Staff will also support students apply for their chosen destinations. Colleges and apprentices will also give assemblies to make sure all students receive the breadth of information that will help them make the most informed choice. 

Measuring Success

To ensure a successful careers curriculum, we review our programme annually every autumn Term. Additionally, we will measure the success of our careers programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks, a nationwide framework of guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary schools.

Access Arrangements

Aspiration Evenings

The upcoming aspiration evenings on 18th (Y11) and 25th (Y9) will be attended by a variety of colleges, apprenticeship information providers and Universities including:

  • Knowlsey Community College
  • Winstanley College
  • Carmel College
  • ASK – Apprenticeship information provider.
  • West Lancs College
  • Liverpool Hope University
  • LIPA
  • All-Saints Sixth Form
  • Careers Connect – Labor Market information provider.

This is a great opportunity to help learn more information about the range of options available to your child.

Please refer to the provider access policy:

Useful Links

Provider Access Policy

CIEAG Careers Policy 2022-23

Gatsby Benchmarks

Careers Connect

Information for Parents


If you are an employer and would be interested in supporting our school, we would love to hear from you. Please use the contact details above to get in touch.

School and College Open Evenings

Remember, you can apply to as many colleges and 6th forms as you want and delay making a decision about which one to go to, until you have your GCSE results. Some may have closing dates in spring but you should apply before Christmas anyway.

List includes sixth forms and colleges around Liverpool and nearby.

City of Liverpool College – Wednesday 21st February 2024 4pm – 6pm

Tel: 0151 252 3000

  • Vauxhall Road campus - Construction and building services, Engineering, Motor Vehicle, Apprenticeships
  • LEX campus - Health and Social Care, Childcare and Early Years, Sport and Uniformed Public Services, English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL)
  • Arts Centre campus - Performing Arts, Music and Media, Fashion, Art and Design, Photography, Digital Academy
  • Clarence Street campus - Sixth Form, A Levels and BTECs, GCSE programmes, Access to Higher Education
  • Duke Street campus - Hair, Beauty and Aesthetics, Catering, Bakery and Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, Retail

Keep an eye on the below table which details the upcoming college open days.

College Date & Times
College 01695 633244
2024 date to be confirmed
St Helens College 

Tel: 0800 99 66 99

Wed 31st Jan 2024, 5:00-7:00pm

Wed 13th Mar 2024, 5:00-7:00pm

Knowsley Community College

Tel: 0151 477 5850

Mon 29th January 2024, 5pm – 7pm
Carmel College

Tel: 01744 452200

Tue 12th Mar 2024, 5-7:30pm
Hugh Baird College

Tel: 0151 353 4444

Thurs 7th March 2024, 5 – 7pm
Hugh Baird 6th Form Campus Thursday 1st February 2024 5pm – 7pm
Myerscough College (Walton Hall Gardens)

Tel: 01995 642211

Sat 3rd Feb 2024, 10am-12noon

Sat 16th Mar 2024, 10am-12noon

Southport College

Tel: 01704 500 606

Mon 25th Mar 2024, 4.30 – 7.00pm
Cheshire College South & West

01270 654 654

Thurs 11th January 2024, 5:30 - 7:00pm
Riverside College

Tel: 0151 257 2800

Tue 12th Mar 2024, 5-7pm

Tue 11th Jun 2024, 5-7pm

Liverpool Life Sciences UTC

Tel: 0151 230 1320

Thurs 8th Feb 2024, 5 – 7.30pm
Liverpool Media Academy (LMA)

0151 909 9000

Wed 7th February 2024, 6pm
Cronton Sixth Form College

Tel: 0151 257 2022

Tue 20th Feb 2024, 5:30-7:30pm

0151 330 3232

Sat 20th Jan 2024, 10am – 2pm
West Lancashire College

01695 52300

Mon 5th February 2024, 4.30pm – 7pm
Reaseheath College   Sat 13th Jan 2024, 10.30am – 2pm
Greenbank College   Thurs 18th Jan 2024, 5pm – 7pm
Wirral Met Wed 10th Jan 2024, 4.30pm – 7pm

If you are considering University after college it would still be useful to see what they have to offer. Here is a list of possible Universities in the area, so check the websites for details of virtual open evenings for each University.

University of Liverpool

John Moores University

Edge Hill University

Liverpool Hope University

Careers, Employment and Apprenticeships

National - reliable information on lots of careers and jobs, navigate to explore careers section - reliable information – navigate to job profiles, amongst other useful areas. - National Apprenticeship Service – search for apprenticeships. - Apprenticeship information

Local (Merseyside and Knowsley) – Knowsley local offer for Young people with SEND/EHCP’s -  Knowsley MBC Post 16 options information - The Liverpool City Region Be More portal is an award-winning UCAS-style apprenticeship and careers portal. It seeks to remove some of the barriers which prevent people from taking on apprenticeships and additional training.  It brings together opportunities from across Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, and Wirral to create a fairer, stronger, cleaner City Region where nobody is left behind.

Destination Data

Education, Employment or apprenticeship (sustained data 2015-18 only) Further Education School sicth form Sixth form college Other Education Employment Apprenticeship
2021/22 93.6% 62.4% 2.6% 17.5% 0% 4.2% 6.9%
2020/21 98.4% 70.2% 0% 21.8% 2.1% 0% 4.3%
2019/20 100% 67% 0% 19.2% 4.2% 0% 9.6%
2017/18 79% 45% 4% 17% 5% 5% 3%
2016/17 83% 49% 4% 18% 2% 7% 3%
2015/16 85% 57% 6% 12% 0% 5% 4%