Religious Studies

RE Teachers

Mrs Maloret Head of RE Department
Miss Pimblett Teacher of RE/Head of Year

Vision of Subject

“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.’’ - Plato

The RE Department strives to encourage children to show an interest in diversity and the rituals and beliefs about the world in which we live. We want to engage and excite students about the main world religions, morality and philosophical thinking.  We believe that the study of  RE is important to developing young people to think critically, act ethically and understand people’s differences through having an open mind and tolerance. Through this understanding of the world around us, our students will be better equipped to shape their choices for the future. The skills learned in RE will allow them to debate, discuss, evaluate and critically analyse. These skills will give young people a voice to be heard.

Statement of Intent

In Religious Education, we aim to make analytic and open-minded learners through a broad and balanced curriculum. We give learners the opportunity to express themselves and have a voice, both through oracy and through extended writing tasks.

The curriculum allows students to learn about a variety of religions at Key stage 3 and focuses on Islam, Christianity and humanist approach at KS4. The lessons are planned to engage students to challenge and try and make sense of the big philosophical and ethical questions humans have in life.

In RE, the curriculum aims to weave core British values of justice and equality alongside the impact of religion on individuals and communities.

RE provides are students with the skills to communicate, empathise, evaluate and debate.


In Key stage 3 assessments are completed every half term to track and monitor the progress of students. Feedback is given to students about what they have done well and how they can improve. They are also given a ‘stage’ showing the skills they have mastered which allows them to see how closely they are working towards their flight path.

In years 7 and 8, students are taught in mixed ability classes whilst in year 9 students are taught in sets based on ability. They receive one hour per week. Home work is set every 5/6 lessons.


At Key Stage 4 students opt to study Religious Studies.  Religious studies students follow Eduqas  exam specification component A.  They will be awarded a grade 1-9 following their GCSE examinations in the summer of Year 11.

The paper 1(50%) is examining ethical issues in the modern world looking at 4 topics;

End of Life


Human Rights

Good and evil

Paper 2 (25%) examines Christian beliefs and practices.

Paper 3 (25%) examines Islamic beliefs and practices.

Students have 3 one hour lessons per week.

Assessments to track progress are set regularly throughout each half term. With feedback being related to GCSE criteria to highlight areas of strength.

Throughout their time at Kirkby, students are taught the following key skills:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of religion and belief, including:

beliefs, practices and sources of authority

influence on individuals, communities and societies

similarities and differences within and/or between religions and beliefs

Analyse and evaluate aspects of religion and belief, including their significance and influence

Overview of the Religious Studies Curriculum

The topics students cover throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below:

Curriculum overview RE

Links to GCSE Exam Board Specifications

Links to GCSE Exam Board Specifications

The specification code for GCSE Religious Studies is Route A3 – including Component 3 Option 3: Islam C120P3

Long term KS3 and 4 Scheme of work

Year 7- Themes

Community and founders

Responsibility and commitment

Attitudes towards crime and forgiveness

Nature of God

Festivals and celebrations

Year 8 Themes




Life after death

The Big 6 and beyond

Rules and Laws

Year 9 Themes


Human rights



Good and evil

Islam and Christianity beliefs in action

Year 10

Beliefs and teachings of Christianity & Islam

End of life

Human rights

Year 11

Term1 – Human relationships

Term 2 –Good and Evil

Term 3 – Re-call and revision

Additional Information

‘drop in’ revision sessions

Revision packs

If you wish to discuss any aspect of the RE curriculum, please contact Mrs A Smith, Senior Assistant Headteacher, in school.