Maths Teachers
Vision of Subject‘Our aim is to not only give students the opportunity to practice the skills to learn, but to help them understand where, why and how they apply to real life. In order to maximise potential'. |
Statement of IntentMathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and change the world. At KHS, our predominant aim is to support students in their deeper understanding of mathematics and ignite their curiosity. As teachers we are too often faced with hearing other adults admit ‘I was never any good at maths.’ However, we believe mathematical intelligence is expandable, and that every child can learn mathematics. Therefore, we offer a curriculum that allows all students to take part in the lessons and gives them the confidence to believe maths is something everyone can do. Our curriculum is developed to build with a spiraling degree of difficulty. Thus, ensuring students can use their prior knowledge to extend and enrich their understanding of mathematical concepts. The invaluable skills students learn in mathematics prepares them well for everyday life and future employment. |
KS3Throughout their time at Kirkby High School Year 7 students are taught Mathematics in their form groups which are mixed attainment. Years 8 and 9 are in sets according to their attainment. Teaching focuses developing the key skills of numeracy in a variety of contexts.
In Key Stage 3 (Year 7-9) students have 4 hours per week and home learning tasks are set on a weekly basis. Home learning tasks will be set electronically using Mathswatch.
Homework club is available to any student at lunchtimes, please check the extra - curricular calendar for further details.
Assessments are completed every half term to track and monitor the progress of students. Feedback is provided to students in terms of the skills they are working towards or have mastered. Targets for further improvement are then shared with students.
KS4Students in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) Mathematics are working towards one GCSE qualification. They follow the Edexcel exam board with specification code 1MA1. They will be awarded a grade 1-9 following their GCSE examinations in the summer of Year 11. In Key Stage 4 students have 4 lessons per week and home learning tasks are set on a weekly basis. Assessments to track progress are set regularly throughout each half term. With feedback being related to GCSE criteria to highlight areas of strength and development throughout the course. Throughout their time at Kirkby High School, students are taught the following key skills: Use and apply standard techniquesStudents should be able to: Accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions Use and interpret notation correctly Accurately carry out routine procedures or set tasks requiring multi-step solutions Reason, interpret and communicate mathematicallyStudents should be able to: Make deductions, inferences and draw conclusions from mathematical information Construct chains of reasoning to achieve a given result Interpret and communicate information accurately Present arguments and proofs Assess the validity of an argument and critically evaluate a given way of presenting information Solve problems within mathematics and in other contextsStudents should be able to: Translate problems in mathematical or non-mathematical contexts into a process or a series of mathematical processes Make and use connections between different parts of mathematics Interpret results in the context of the given problem Evaluate methods used and results obtained Evaluate solutions to identify how they may have been affected by assumptions made |
Overview of the Maths CurriculumThe general topics students cover throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 are outlined in the link below. However please be aware that topics may change in accordance with pupil ability: Maths 2022 Curriculum KS3 and KS4 Links to GCSE Exam Board SpecificationsThe specification code for GCSE Mathematics is 1MA1 |
Additional InformationWeekly revision sessions for y11 will begin in the Spring term, and run after school from 3pm to 4pm Mathematically gifted pupils are entered for the UK Maths Trust national completion. |