Over the summer months, with people being out and about more, Knowsley’s Public Health team are issuing advice and guidance around measles, which is extremely infectious.
Symptoms include high fever, sore, red and watery eyes, coughing, aching and feeling generally unwell and a blotchy red / brown rash.
You can help by ensuring your children receive two MMR vaccines on time (one at the age of one and the other at aged 3 years and 4 months). If your children have missed these vaccines, it’s not too late, so contact your GP to make an appointment to ensure your children are up-to-date.
Teenagers and young adults should also be fully vaccinated before traveling or attending festivals and other summer events.
If you have symptoms of measles, stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice.
For further information, visit www.nhs.uk (search measles).