

Curriculum Statement of Intent

At Kirkby High School we believe that students within our community are entitled to have access to a fully inclusive curriculum and one that enables all of them to achieve excellence. In order to do this, our students are cared for in an environment built on mutual respect, in which they are able to learn and to be taught by knowledgeable and dedicated teachers. This ensures that all of our students, regardless of ability or background, leave school as mature, successful and confident individuals who can make a positive contribution to society.

Our curriculum aims to develop memory and recall in order to equip our students with the factual knowledge they require to be able to develop their creative curiosity and independent thinking skills. Our ambition is to facilitate deep, long term learning, enabling our students to learn more and remember more.

We aim to do this by creating:

A knowledge rich curriculum that introduces our students to ideas and concepts beyond the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to support our students to ‘know more and remember more’.

A carefully sequenced curriculum that is planned to ensure that the knowledge, concepts and skills in all subject areas allow students to develop their creative curiosity and independent thinking skills.

An ambitious curriculum that is broad and balanced and one which is supported by extra curricular activities that develop confidence and independence.

A curriculum which instils a love of learning across all subject areas, encouraging students to have the very highest aspirations for themselves and the support to achieve those goals.

A curriculum which is underpinned by understanding the needs of all students and one that enables them to progress smoothly into their next phase of education as mature, responsible, thoughtful and successful members of society.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Kirkby High School has designed a broad and balanced curriculum which caters for students' needs throughout their time in Kirkby High School and also provide opportunities for further education. We utilise a 25-hour teaching week which is broken down as follows.

Clicking on the subject names in the table below will take you to the in-depth overview for that subject.

Subject Number of Lessons
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
English 4 4 4
Maths 4 4 4
Science 3 3 3
Languages 1 2 2
History 2 2 2
Geography 2 2 2
Religious Studies 1 1 1
Computing 1 1 1
Technology 1 1 1
Physical Education 2 2 2
Drama 1 1 1
Music 1 1 1
Art 1 1 1
Personal Development 1 0 0
Total 25 25 25

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Students in key stage 4 at Kirkby High School follow a core diet of mathematics, English and science combined with 3 options. In year 11 students choose between Core PE or PD.

Subject Number of lessons
Year 10 Year 11
X Band Y Band X Band Y Band
English 5 5 5 5
Maths 4 4 4 4
Science 5 5 6 6
Option 1 3 3 3 3
Option 2 3 3 3 3
Option 3 3 3 3 3
Core PE 1 1 1 1
PD 1 1
Total 25 25 25 25

Setting Arrangements

At Kirkby High School we use a variety of setting arrangements to enhance the progress and educational experiences of our students. Some subjects are taught in mixed ability setting while others are taught in ability based sets.

  Subjects where pupils are taught in ability classes Subjects where pupils are taught in mixed ability classes
Year 7 English



Modern Foreign Languages

Physical Education









Personal Development

Year 8 English












Modern Foreign Languages

Physical Education

Year 9 English




Modern Foreign Languages




Physical Education





Year 10 and 11 English



Options subjects

Core PE and Wellbeing

Options Process

Kirkby High School’s options package includes an Options Evening with a presentation to parents and our careers advisor present to discuss Options choices with Students, parents and carers. A number of assemblies are delivered to students to guide them through the Options process and guest speakers from local colleges and universities attend school to support student choices. Students also experience a tailored one to one interview between a member of the senior management team. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend this interview. This takes place in February and March and offers the chance for parents and students to discuss their best routes to further education based on prior attainment and percentage chance tables. The following subjects are compulsory:

Subject Qualification
English Language and literature GCSE (2 Certificates)
Mathematics GCSE (1 Certificate)
Science Trilogy or Triple Award GCSE (2 or 3 Certificates)

Students are then able to choose 3 of the following options.

History Sports Studies Dance Food and Nutrition
Geography Design Technology Music Travel and Tourism
Spanish Art and Design Textiles Religious Studies
Computer Science Drama Childcare IT
Catering Triple Science

Key Stage 3 Criteria

Assessment Criteria for Year 7, 8 and 9

If you require any further information about curriculum, please contact Mrs A Smith, Assistant Headteacher in charge of Curriculum.